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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

About your appointment :- 

Please book a telephone appointment with one of our specialist practice nurses.

During your appointment the nurse will discuss with you:  
– Symptoms
– Smoking History and Cessation advice if applicable
– Height & Weight = BMI
– Blood Pressure
– Inhaler Technique
– Exercise tolerance 

How to Reduce your risk of COPD 

COPD is largely a preventable condition. You can significantly reduce your chances of developing it if you avoid smoking.

If you already smoke, stopping can help prevent further damage to your lungs before it starts to cause troublesome symptoms.

If you think you need help to stop smoking, you can contact NHS Smokefree for free advice and support. You may also want to talk to a GP about the stop smoking treatments available.

These lifestyle changes can help prevent you developing Diabetes. 

Please find some helpful breathing techniques and exercises below.

Breathing Techniques

There are various techniques for coping with breathlessness. If you practice these and use them every day, they will help you when you are active and getting breathless. They will also help you manage if you get short of breath suddenly.

Breathing control
This is helpful if you are generally short of breath. Breathing control means breathing gently, using the least effort, with your shoulders supported and relaxed. Use one of the positions below.

In a comfortable, supported position, relax your shoulders, arms and hands. Breathe in gently through your nose and breathe out through your nose or mouth. Try to feel more relaxed and calmer each time you breathe out.

Techniques for when you are more active

  • Try all of these gently – don’t force yourself.
  • You can combine these techniques – they’re all helpful for when you’re short of breath.
  • If you feel wheezy or tight-chested, try taking your ‘reliever’ inhaler. And remember, never hold your breath – you need the oxygen!
  1. Relaxed slow deep breathing
    Gently slow down your breathing. Breathe more deeply. Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth.
  2. Pursed lips breathing
    Breathe out with your lips pursed, as if you’re whistling. This slows your breathing down and helps to make your breathing more efficient.
  3. ‘Blow as you go!’
    Breathe out when you’re making a big effort, for example:
  • stretching your arms above your head
  • reaching for something on a shelf
  • bending down
  • going up a step or stair
  • standing up
  • or during the hardest part of any action BLOW as you GO!
  1. Paced breathing
    This is useful when climbing the stairs (or walking). Breathe in, in time with the steps you take. Do this in a rhythm that suits you and how breathless you are. For example:
  • breathe in when on the stair, and breathe out as you go up a stair (blow as you go!),
  • breathe in for one stair and out for one stair, or
  • breathe in for one stair and out for two, or
  • breathe in for two stairs and out for three


The best positions are the ones which need the least energy or effort. If you tense your shoulders and grip onto things when you are breathless, you’re wasting energy (and oxygen).

  1. To ease your breathing when standing up, lean from the hips, with your forearms resting on something at the right height (see below) (chairs, window sills, garden walls or kitchen work surfaces are often of a suitable height).
  1. When you’re standing or walking, try putting your hands on your hips, in your pockets, or stick your thumbs into your belt loops to support your arms without gripping. If you carry a shoulder bag, you can rest your arms on it.
  2. Sitting uses less energy than standing up. You may find it useful to lean forwards, resting your forearms on your knees, or on the arms of a chair or table (see below).
  1. Using a walking aid (walking stick, or a frame with wheels at the back and front) can help you find one of these comfortable postures when you are out and about. Most people feel better pushing a supermarket trolley – it works the same way.
  2. You can rest your head and arms on pillows on a table when you’re really short of breath (see below).
  1. Try lying on your side, propped up with lots of pillows.

Try all these positions and decide which ones are best for you. Different ones will suit different situations.

For more information please visit the NHS Website by clicking here.